Rules / Code of Ethics
Hernando Youth Football Association
Revision Date: August 4, 2006
Football Playing Rules
Football Ages 7 Thru 12
ARTICLE I Playing Rules
Rules of:
A. The playing field for HYFA will be 80 yards long, 53 yards wide, and
end zone will be 10 yards deep.
B. A spectator restraining fence will extend the length of the ball field, and no
one, with the exception of the football players, cheerleaders and respective
coaches and cheerleading sponsors shall be allowed beyond the fence.
For the HYFA this restraining fence will be on the west side of the stadium
where both the home and visitor bleachers are available.
A. The ball shall be put in play by the kickoff team from the 35 yard line for the
HYFA field for the 9 & 10, 11 & 12 year olds. For the 7 & 8 ball will be into play
from the 20 yard line.
B. The receiving team shall not be closer than 10 yards from the kickoff line
and Five (5) players must be within 5 yards of the line.
ARTICLE I Playing Rules
C. Following a touchback, the ball shall be put in play on the 20 yard line.
D. Following a safety, the ball shall be put in play from the 20 yard line by a
free kick, except in the 7 & 8 year olds the ball shall be put in play from
the 30 yard line on 80 yard field.
E. An overweight player (see article III WEIGHT) may kick the ball only on
a kickoff or a free kick after a safety.
F. An overweight player on the receiving team must be on the receiving
teams front line, within 10 yards of the kickoff line. An overweight
player may advance the ball as long as he is the first person to touch the
ball and gain control after the kick he may not retreat back to receive the
A. No overweight player can punt the ball.
B. Any scrimmage kick that strikes a defensive player will be treated as a
blocked kick. If an overweight player receives the punt and controls it,
the play is blown dead and the ball is placed ready for play at the point of
possession. An overweight player may advance the ball, as long as he is
the first person to touch the ball and gain control after the punt. He may
not retreat back to receive the punt.
C. For a scrimmage kick no player overweight may line up deeper than 10
yards from the line of scrimmage.
A. The size football used shall be determined by HYFA. Coaches
shall use the following football or a ball that has comparable dimensions.
“Wilson K2 or Nike 1000K” – 7/8 and 9/10
“Wilson TDY or Nike 1000J” – 11/12
A. Minor penalties will be assessed 5 yards total.
B. Major penalties will be assessed 15 yards total.
ARTICLE I Playing Rules
A. One Coach may be on the field from each team at one time in the 7 & 8 year
olds, and the 9 & 10 year olds. The coach on the field MUST take a position
10 yards behind their deepest player before the snap of the ball. There will be
(no) coaching after the snap of the ball. Failure to adhere to 10 yard buffer
zone will result in an official warning. A second violation will result in
a 15 yard unsportsmanlike conduct penalty. A third violation will result in a
15 yard penalty and non-punitive removal from that particular game. No
coach will be allowed on the field for the 11 & 12 year olds.
7) Scoring
A. Touchdown is six (6) points.
B. Extra point is worth one (1) point if the ball is placed down for play after a
touchdown at the one (1) yard line. Extra point is worth two (2) points if the
ball is placed down for play after a touchdown at the three (3) yard line.
C. Safety is worth 2 points.
D. Field Goal is worth 3 points.
8) End of Regulation Tie Game
A. In the event of a tie ballgame each team shall be given four downs beginning on the
10 yard line and the opportunity for point after try if a touchdown is scored. A coin
toss shall determine which team goes first. If additional overtime periods are
required the beginning point shall be the 5 yard line. In the third overtime period
and subsequent periods each team must attempt a two point conversion.
A. No Team shall practice earlier than the Monday following the first
registration each person must be signed up insured, to practice.
B. Players must be in shorts and helmet the first three (3) days of practice.
C. Practices before the season’s first game can be up to five days a week.
Then after the first game, teams are limited to three (3) events a week.
Example: two (2) practices, and one (1) game.
D. HYFA recommends the practice sessions last no longer than 2.5 hours!
A. Schedules will be made by the Board of Directors of HYFA.
B. Starting times of games will be set by Board of Directors.
C. Each quarter for the 7 & 8 year olds will be a 10 minute running clock.
Each quarter for the 9 & 10 year olds will be a 10 minute running clock.
Each quarter for the 11 & 12 year olds will be a 12 minute running clock.
There will be 4 quarters in a regulation game.
D. The clock will stop for injuries and called time outs.
E. Each quarter will be a running clock until the last two (2) minutes of each
half. The clock will then run per the National Federation of State High
School Associations.
3) POSTPONEMENT PROCEDURE inclement weather
A. Games may be postponed when the safety of the players, cheerleaders,
coaches, officials and fans becomes a factor.
B. Prior to kickoff, the decision to postpone a game will be made by the officials
or Board of Directors, with input from both coaches of the teams involved.
Once a game has started, the referee is in control of the game and the choice
to call a game is his decision.
A. No moving pictures or photos will be taken of a game in which a particular
team is not a participant. A coach or supporter of one team can not film or
take pictures of a game that his or her team is not playing.
B. Films can not be exchanged between teams.
C. Press box occupancy will be restricted to HYFA officials and press
box personnel.
D. Sideline cameras will not be allowed. Except with expressed written approval
of HYFA Board of Directors.
A. Each player must be fully equipped to HYFA standards. These standards
would coincided with the National Federation of State High School
Associations which include: Helmet (NOLSAE approved), shoulder pads,
pants, pant pads, mouth piece, shoes (shoes will be one piece molded rubber
or tennis shoes). No steel clits.
A. The weight limit for 7& 8 year olds, for position deemed a running back, or
a deep receiver on kickoff or punts, or punter is 85 pounds on the day of
the official weigh in! A back that is eligible for the official weigh in is
allowed no more than (7) seven pound weight gain through out the season.
B. The weight limit for 9&10 year olds, for position deemed a running back, or
a deep receiver on kickoff or punts, or punter is 100 pounds on the day of
the official weigh in! A back that is eligible for the official weigh in is
allowed no more than (7) seven pound weight gain through out the season.
C. The weight limit for 11&12 year olds, for position deemed a running back,
or a deep receiver on kickoff or punts, or punter is 125 pounds on the day of
the official weigh in! A back that is eligible for the official weigh in is
allowed no more than (7) seven pound weight gain through out the season.
D. An over weight player may line up as a tight end (must be within 2 yards of the
tackle to his side of the line. He is eligible for a pass as long as the pass is beyond
the line of scrimmage and he has first touch.
E. Eligible backs must be declared to the President of the Board of Directors
by the day before the first game. HYFA will exchange eligible
back list for each team.
F. Challenges must be submitted to the President of the Board of Directors
1 hour before game time. Players will be weighed at a mutually agreed upon
area with a board member and coaches present.
G. If a challenged player that has been declared ineligible by the league to play a
position deemed a back, and lines up in this position, then the opposing coach
must issue a protest to the league president, upon which the Board of
Directors will meet to rule on a possible forfeiture.
Each head coach will be required to have (A, B, &C) with him before each game.
A. Each head coach will be required to have a copy of each of his player's birth
certificate and a current picture attached to the birth certificate.
B. Each head coach will be required to have his team's roster with
players number.
C. Each head coach will be required to have his team's BOD approved
running back list.
D. Each head coach will be required to verify that the opposing head
coach does in fact have required documentation before each game.
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Code of Ethics

HYFA Code of Ethics
All football coaches must realize the game is played for the benefit of the participants.
An emphasis will be placed on developing life long values. Coaches are role models and will set an
example for players, parents and spectators. The Code of Ethics has been developed to stress
operating within specific coaching guidelines that brings credit to HYFA.
Article One - Responsibilities to Players
1. A coach must be aware of the influence he has on his players. All actions are expected to follow the rules of proper sportsmanship and respect the dignity of his players and the opposition.
2. All coaching techniques and decisions will be within the rules of the game. Every effort must be made to abide by high principles that promote the mutual respect between the coach and his players.
3. It is in the best interest of all for the coach to consult trained medical personnel when injuries take place. The orders of the physician or qualified personnel must be followed.
4. Medication and treatment should be administered only with the direction of a physician or trained medical personnel.
5. All coaches are expected to know eligibility rules and apply them uniformly.
Article Two - Rules of the Game
1. The rules and suggestions in the HYFA Rule Book and National Federation of State High School Associations are an integral part of the code and must be followed.
2. Every coach has a responsibility to know the rules and to teach them to his players.
3. The coach will promote sportsmanship and respect for the opponent by practicing proper
techniques in front of players and spectators.
4. Proper blocking, tackling, alignment, use of the clock, etc. will be promoted through maintaining high ethical standards in practice and games.
5. Coaches should stress that on field communication should be between teammates only.
6. Good sportsmanship habits are formed on the practice field. The coach will provide direction to guarantee that proper standards are followed at all times.
Article Three - Disputes
1. Any dispute should never be handled in the presence of a player or any other child.
2. Disputes between coaches and officials should be handled only between the head
coach and the head official. This should not take place in the presence of any other
assistant coach, player, or spectator.
3. Disputes between parents and coaches should not be handled in front of any other
player or parent.
4. Any dispute with a spectator should be brought to the official's attention and not handled
by the coach.
5. If disputes cannot be reasonably resolved in any situation, coaches should contact a member of the HYFA Board of Directors, of which will discuss and determine the best coarse of action.
Article Four - Other Responsibilities
1. Before and after the game opposing coaches should meet and exchange greetings.
2. Coaches should help to improve sportsmanship through working with the advisers to thebcheerleaders.
3. The coach should limit his comments about the game to members of his team and encourage his players to do the same.
4. It is ethical to limit all rewards, celebrations, etc. to the team and to respect the dignity of the opponent.
5. The coach must follow all rules and regulations as determined by HYFA policy.
6. Any use of profanity is not permitted by coaches, players, officials, or spectators. Offenders may be immediately ejected from the game and may face permanent expulsion from participating in future HYFA events. This rule may be enforced without prior warning. It is the coach’s responsibility to make this known to his players, parents, and other coaches.